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Kamis, 18 Juni 2009

News Item  

News item is factual text which informs the readers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important.

Generic structur e :

• Newsworthy event (s) : Recounts the events is summary form
• Background event (s) : elaborate what happened, to whom in what circumstances
• Sources : Comments by participant in, witnesses to and authorities expert on the event

Social function of news item is to inform readers listeners or viewers about event of the day which are considered newsworthy or important.

Significant Grammar Features

• short, telegraphic information about story captured in headline
• general using Simple Past Tense
• use of material processes to retell the event
• using action verb, e.g. : were, run,go,kill,etc.
• using saying verb, e.g. : say,tell
• focus on circumstances
• use of projecting verbal Processes in sources stanges

There are somerules that can help that can help to make newspaper headlines more comprehensible.

1. the passive voice is used without the appropriate form of “ be “ .
2. it is unusual to find complex forms, generally the simple present form is used.
3. the present progressive tense is used, usually to describe something that is changing or developing, but the auxiliary verb is usually left out.
4. to refers to the future, headlines often use the infinitive.
5. headlines are not always complete sentence.

Modals In past Form  


Present Past
Can could
Will would
Shall should
May might

1. Could+Verb base

• to offer suggestions or possibilities
• to indicate that the ability existed in the past form but doesn’t exist now
• to express polite requests

2. Would+verb base

• for an action that was repeated regularly in the past
• insert rather into the pattern and use this expression to express preferences
• to express polite request

3. Should+verb base

• to give definition advice (advisability)
• to express the subject’s obligation or duty

4. Might+Verb base

• to tell possibilities
• to express polite request

Selasa, 16 Juni 2009

Finite Verb  

A finite verb is a verb that is inflected for person and for tense rules and categories of the languages in which it occurs. Finite verbs can form independent clause, which can stand by their own as complete sentence.

Every grammatically correct sentence or clause must contain a finite verb; sentence fragments not containing finite verb; sentence fragments not containing finite verbs are describe as phrases.

Some interjections can play the same role. Even in English, a sentence like thanks for your help ! has an interjection where it could have a subject and a finite verb form (compare I appreciate your help!).

In English, as in most related languages , only verb in certain moods are finite these include :

* the indicative mood (expression a state of affairs); e.g. , “ The bulldozer demolished the restaurant,’’ “ The leaves were yellow and stiff.”

• the imperative mood (giving a command)
• the subjunctive mood (expressing something that might or might not be the state of affairs, depending on some other part of the sentence); nearly extinct in English.

A verb is a word that expresses an occurrence, act,or mode of being. Finite verb, sometimes, called main verbs, are limited by time (see tense), person, and number.

The finite verb are highlighted in the following sentence :

The finite verbs are highlighted in the following sentence :

The bear caught a salmon in the stream.

Who ate the pic ?

Stop !

A nonfinite verb form-such as a participle, infinitive , or gerund-is not limited by time (see tense), person, and number.

Verb form that are not finite include :
• the infinitive
• participles (e.g., “ the broken Window … ‘’, The wheezing gentleman …”)
• gerunds and gerundives.

Masih ingat dua atau tiga tahun lalu ketika USB flash disk dengan kapasitas 2GB sudah terasa lega, sementara harganya cukup mahal?

Kini flash disk berkapasitas besar makin jamak ditemui.

Namun tawaran terbaru Kingston ini tetap saja mengejutkan.

Kingston DataTraveler 200-nya itu mengemaskan kapasitas 200GB – terbesar saat ini. Sayangnya harga flash disk ini juga luarbiasa mahal, bahkan termahal. DataTraveler 200 dibandrol dengan harga US$ 546.

Uang sejumlah itu tidak cuma sebagai penukar flash disk yang kokoh dengan desain tanpa tutup (capless), tetapi juga proteksi password built-in untuk mengamankan file-file penting yang disimpan di dalamnya, plus dukungan Windows ReadyBoost, dan masa garansi selama lima tahun. Satu lagi, flash disk 128GB ini ekslusif karena tidak dijual secara umum, tetapi baru dibuat bila Anda memesannya.

Namun jika 128GB terasa terlalu besar bagi Anda, pilih saja kapasitas yang lebih rendah 64GB atau 32GB. Harganya pasti lebih terjangkau, dan bisa dibeli secara bebas di pasar.

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